Reduce CO2 emissions with cleaner burning fuel

October 28, 2019
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Heating oil that cares?

At Rix its not just our clients and your money we care about, it’s the environment we live in and causing as minimal impact as possible to it with our products and services.

With this in mind, we continually work on and find new ways to enhance our heating oil making it more sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly.

Being one of the leading suppliers of heating oil with an excellent reputation for delivering the highest quality heating oil, and caring about our customers we felt our product range needed to be expanded to support this. With customers across the four major industry sectors - domestic, commercial, agricultural and haulage - and with great consideration to the environment, we thought a cleaner-burning fuel was a necessity to keep up with the high outputs produced by these sectors.

What is cleaner burning heating oil?

Rix offer standard Heating Oil also known as kerosene, “kero”, and “twenty-eight-second burning oil”, named after the average time in which it takes to burn and produce heat output.

However Rix also offer a new heating oil called K+.

K+ heating oil improves boiler performance and efficiency. Developed with extensive research and rigorous testing it has been specially formulated so that the active ingrediants work together to combat issues such as carbon residue and sludge which can lead to wasted oil and a lower quality burn.

Not only does the oil help reduce emissions but sustains the warmth bringing comfort to homes, buildings and businesses nationally and can reduce energy costs making significant savings for our customers that, along with our friendly reputation has helped us develop a fantastic network of loyal clients.

So why choose heating oil?

Simple; It's both reliable, cost-effective, and with our cleaner buring oil from Rix you have the added piece of mind that you are reducing your CO2 emissions and environmental impact normally associated with energy consumption.

All our heating oil products are delivered from local depots in the UK. Visit the 'locations' section of our website to discover more about you local depot and the services they offer.

Contact Rix for an affordable heating oil solution by calling 01482 83 83 83 or visiting the products section of our website.

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