Supporting Chatton Church’s Charity Challenge

June 12, 2013
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And they remain among the best loved buildings in the UK, particularly in the countryside – rural churches are an integral part of the charm and character of a traditional British village, attracting not just committed worshippers but tourists and passing walkers, and even film crews on occasion.

They retain a community importance too, as the location for a village fete, coffee morning or for that all important bring-and-buy sale.

Yes, it is essential we look after our churches.

Holy Cross Church in Chatton, Northumberland, is looking to raise £100,000 for essential maintenance work and via our NE depot, at Rashercap in Felton, we are supporting the effort.

Rix Petroleum is sponsoring a flower festival to be held on June 28th - 30th at the church, which will feature a host of entertainments including a hog roast, local musicians and on Sunday, a Caribbean steel band.

It is shaping up to be a lively and fun day with something for everyone and the church at the centre of the celebrations.

So if you’re in the area why not pop along, soak up the atmosphere and learn about the vital work going on. As well as having a grand day out you’ll be playing your part in ensuring this ancient building continues to serve the people of Chatton for hundreds more years to come.

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