Local artists reveal their latest work at the Rix Petroleum depot in Hull

April 19, 2018
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The Bankside Gallery features an increasing number of permission sites where a group of artists have been allowed to create artwork on the walls.

Emma Garness and Sharon Darley, two local artists from Hull, have created the mural, which is one of the largest pieces so far in the project. It was Emma who first saw the wall at the site and approached Rix to ask if it was something we would like to be involved in.

Tim Rix, Chairman of JR Rix and Sons said: "Having supported the recent City of Culture 2017 celebrations in the city, as well as other local projects, we jumped at the chance to once again be involved in another exciting venture."

Mr Rix also said: "As a petroleum company, it can be all too easy to be labelled just another industrial business, but we are also people who live and work in the city who care deeply about the community around us. We have enjoyed supporting the creative and ambitious artists of the city."

The work is a collaboration between the two artists, and so collaboration is a key theme in the style of the piece. Emma’s part of the design is very organic with a mother and child figure, whilst Sharon’s is a colourful representation of vibrancy. At Rix, we also like to think the work itself represents a collaboration between us and our community.

The local reaction to the work so far has been extremely positive, with passers-by and commuters expressing thanks (and even a few job offers) to the artists as they worked.

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